I wish we could have a candidate that more people had faith in. I'd vote for Gretchen Whitmer, and I hadn't even heard of her before you mentioned her. I worry, though, that Americans just won't vote for a woman. I think that's why we ended up in this mess in the first place. Our culture is just too sexist.

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Wes Moore would also be great as president. I can't stand Gavin Newsom (his failure at helping the homeless in San Francisco is something I find unforgivable), but I'd vote for anyone who could prevent another Trump presidency.

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Every time I read about Gavin Newsom in the LA Times, he's always doing something bad (not really bad, just supporting things I don't support), but I'd still vote for him over He Who Shall Not Be Named.

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Jun 28Liked by J.J.Dolan

Don't forget that CNN was complicit in this debacle also. Worst moderation EVER.

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I totally agree. What a shit show!

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Jun 28Liked by J.J.Dolan

I'm going to go against the popular opinion this morning and say it isn't time to panic. Every incumbent has lost the first debate, perhaps not as badly, but evidence also tells us that no one makes up their minds entirely based on any of the debates. And most importantly, Biden always exceeds expectations, except last night. Never forget the attention span of most people as well, and we have months for them to forget, and for Trump to really fuck something up (hopefully)! ;)

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Very true. It is just that the Trump campaign doesn't even need the cheap fakes now. I heard that Biden was sick, and I just wish he had called the whole thing off. They said he tested negative for Covid, but I wish he would have just said that he had it and didn't wish to spread it to someone who is not up to date on his vaccines. But I know... woulda coulda shoulda

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Jun 28Liked by J.J.Dolan

Oh, he was obviously ill, but what could he do short of being hospitalized? I had fully expected the Marmalade Shitstain to cancel actually. ;) I also meant to comment on Whitmer replacing Biden - she is freaking awesome and will be a contender in 2028, no question. Again I'm going out on a limb and saying that we can't run another woman against #45 because he is such a consummate asshole to women in particular, that it is almost impossible for women to combat his douchebaggery without being called bitches, etc. We are STILL expected to be nice, polite and not fight fire with fire against anyone, no matter what. We saw Hillary struggle trying to be the adult, professional and competant (which she is) while debating a literal pig in his shitpile. Men even have a hard time contradicting him in this as well.

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